Friday, 11th March of 2022
Start 09:15 am
“The one euro horse – should have examined it with a mirror
Dr. Bernadette Immel, Löhnberg
Quality management in outpatient equine dentistry
Dr. Lauritz English, Schnaittach
Retrospective evaluation of CT-diagnosed maxillary and infraorbital nerve disorders and their relationship to headshaking syndrome
Souel Maleh, Faulbach
Diseases of the tongue as a cause of feeding problems, anorexia and hypersalivation
Florian Frers, Hannover
Rein lameness associated with inflammation of the equine temporomandibular joint
Prof. Dr. James Carmalt, Saskatoon
General anatomy of the masticulatory apparatus
Prof. Dr. Christoph Mülling, Leipzig
Last but not least. The Plica pterygomandibularis and the Papilla postmolaris – clinically noteworthy structures in the oral cravity of the horse
Dr. Timo Zwick, Gessertshausen
Tips and tricks for feeding horses with gastric ulcers
Prof. Dr. Ellen Kienzle, München
Clinical, radiographic, macroscopic and microcomputed tomography findings in equine incisors
Louisa Albers, Hannover
Histological characteristics of equine dental pulp
Jessica Roßgardt, Friedberg
From 08 pm „20 years IGFP – Get together“ with dance and buffet
Saturday, 12th March of 2022
Start: 09:15 am
Long in the tooth…: Health and welfare of the elderly horse – case studies from everyday veterinary practice
Dr. Friederike Hänsch, Belm
Common diseases of the geriatric horse
Dr. Dipl. ECEIM Bianca Schwarz, Saarlouis
TVT position paper on the BMEL “Guidlines for assessment of horse keeping establishments from an animal welfare perspective” (2009)
Dr. Angela Schwarzer, München
Young tooth versus old tooth – ageing processes viewed from a macroscopic, microscopic and especially clinical perspective
Prof. Dr. Carsten Staszyk, Gießen
Aspects of the biomechanics of mastication in the horse
Dr. Michael Nowak, Meerbusch
Blinded block-randomized measurement variability analysis of an orthodontic gauge device designed for clinical incisor occlusal table angle measures
Mag. Dr. Silvio Kau, Wien
Cysts in the jawbone of the horse
Dr. Astrid Bienert-Zeit, Hannover
Diagnosis and treatment of mandibular fractures in the horse
Dr. Dipl. ECVS Kathrin Mählmann
Influence of the opioids levomethadone, buprenorphine and butorphanol on intra- and postoperative pain in horses undergoing molar extractions
Daphna Emanuel, Hannover
Emergency management of incidents during dental treatment
Dr. Dipl. ECEIM Janine Brunner, Hilpoltstein
Expected end 05:10 pm
Contact us for more information or to register.